Stable isotopes

O-18 water

Huayi Technology is the early enterprise to carry out the industrial production of O-18 water in China. At present, Huayi Technology has 4 sets of production equipment, with an annual production capacity of about 300 kg of O-18 water with 98% abundance.

Oxygen is a mixture of three stable isotopes: O-16 , O-17 and O-18 The oxygen isotope composition of various natural compounds is approximately equal. However, air, fresh water and seawater contain more O-18 than minerals, about 2 parts per thousand, so our main raw material for the preparation of oxygen-18 water is natural water.

Main Applications——18F labelling

O-18 water is the main raw material of PET imaging using medical cyclotron to bombard heavy oxygen water by proton, resulting in (p,n) nuclear reaction (neutron deuteration, or spallation) in 18O, thus producing 18F in the form of hydrofluoric acid (HF) with radionuclide labeling. 18F atomic decay The decay of 18F atoms generates positrons, which produce a pair of γ-rays in the opposite direction with the nearby electrons, and are detected by PET equipment, which can display the activity pattern and metabolic pathways of drugs in the body in a sensitive, accurate and fast manner.
